Tuesday, April 13, 2010

yay and stuff

so i lost two more lbs! that's a total of 28 lbs since january! yay and stuff but even more importantly, my fasting blood sugar has dropped from 160 to 139 since february! that is a true blessing! i have even more motivation than before! in fact, i went to an italian restaurant this evening with friends and every single dish had pasta except the polenta...so i ordered the polenta which is ok because it's corn meal (semolina) and i can have small servings of corn products but no white flour which is the main component of pasta. i had never had polenta before and now i regret not having that because it was delish! omg how can something so good be legal?!? the dish was polenta with italian sausage and peppers but it was just 4 small strips of grilled polenta and a whole mess of sausage, sauce, peppers and onion. it was all good but the polenta stole the show. i need to make some this weekend, before i start no-carbing.

my skin is all bumpy again. i bought some of clinique's rosacea products to help my little pink problem and i am now pink and bumpy. and the more signs of old age appeared last week - vertical lines around my lips causing my beloved red lipstick to feather. i had to break down and buy elizabeth arden's lip fix to combat that nasty little issue. want a secret to great lips if you're going to wear extra matte lipstick (like mac's ruby woo)? go to sleep with burt's bees lip balm or aveda's lip balm on the night before you're going to go matte - the lipstick goes on more smoothly and so does your lip liner. if your lips are wind burned or super chapped, you might want to hold off on the matte lipsticks for a bit until you can get them smoothe first - talk to my mom about satin lips by mary kay.

tomorrow we go see yoda for our big check. the rowland's own book of the almost dead will officially come to a close. wow. i want a new laptop and papa wants a bass - those are the only luxuries we're allowing ourselves (except i also get a big-ass zebra striped dooney on clearance at macy's since my louis vuitton was stolen over a year ago and still hasn't been replaced). then i can come home and take a well-deserved and much needed nap.

time for bed!
have a great night!

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