Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is My Blog on Meds

it's been a while.
it's been 3 days since my last post...i blame 2 things - adderall and the twilight books. i started adderall monday and it kicked right in! great little appetite killer, too, and man does it work! i read new moon in 2.5 days - 563 pages! and last night i started eclipse and will be done with it tomorrow. i even managed to clean my kitchen, keep it clean (not cooking helps) and clean my living room! GOD BLESS ADDERALL!

the downside? crazy cotton mouth (could be the lithium, too), crazy weird taste in my mouth (neither of these side effects stop no matter how much liquid i drink, btw) and funky eating habits. or maybe normal eating habits...? i no longer finish everything on my plate, i don't eat if i'm not hungry, i pay very close attention to what i eat (for the most part), and i drink a lot of water. i hope this lasts! oh and no more desserts, either - that was a nasty little habit i got into and it's harder than smoking to kick. still addicted to dr.pepper, tho - don't know how i'll fix that but one thing at a time. dr. s also has me taking some exra supplements to help. i'm taking nac which (i believe) helps protect my brain from the damaging effects of bipolar disorder. i'm also taking omega 3,6 & 9 to help open up my veins so my system can better absorb the meds. i also decided to take niacin to help lower my cholesterol. i have 5 pill bottles to contend with now, not including the ever present excedrin migraine and aleve...i'm a walking pharmacy.

well this whole kfc settlement thing has changed my plans a bit. i won't be able to go to cooking school after all. i can't justify taking a paycut to be a line cook or spending $28K on an education and only recieving a certificate - not even a degree. so i'll plan on A&M san antonio and major in psychology and get a real job. it'll be way cheaper and the payoff will be better, too. i'm sure my boss will be pleased because i can do some online classes and continue to work for him.

ok so i hear bella, edward and jake calling (twilight thing haha) so i bid you peace.

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