Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shrink-a-Dinky Doo

i went to my first appointment with my new shrink today. he's cool. i like him. i fired the last one because he was condescending and kind of a jerk. this one is cool. i got the feeling that he was actually paying attention. don went with me to the appointment and helped a lot. i forget things so he fills in the gaps. we both walked away with the sense that my adhd is more of a detrement than the bipolar disorder. i got what i needed, though...a prescription for lithium and a prescription for adderall.
hello lover...

we also discussed my upcoming visit to lapband camp. he deduced that based on symptoms we discussed, i probably do have sleep apnea and he gave me a card for a collegue of his that performs sleep studies. he understood my reluctance to take sleeping pills because of the "anna nicole smith" type hangovers they have on me, so we opted out of xanax. he asked if i thought i could stick to the regimented new way of eating once i had the procedure. he asked about my weight issues and my recent weight gain. i explained that the majority of the weight gain is from the seemingly unending depression that has me in its claws of doom. i know i'll lose weight when i'm properly medicated - i always do. maybe not a significant amount but at least 25 to 40 lbs which works for me. that amount compiled with the weight loss from the low carb diet i'll be on a few weeks prior to surgery should be a nice little jump start to a healthy new me.

it's all coming into place, isn't it? it's happening - it's really happening! i'm really going to get healthy! now if i could master that lotto number-picking thing...

good night and good mental health!

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