Tuesday, April 13, 2010

yay and stuff

so i lost two more lbs! that's a total of 28 lbs since january! yay and stuff but even more importantly, my fasting blood sugar has dropped from 160 to 139 since february! that is a true blessing! i have even more motivation than before! in fact, i went to an italian restaurant this evening with friends and every single dish had pasta except the polenta...so i ordered the polenta which is ok because it's corn meal (semolina) and i can have small servings of corn products but no white flour which is the main component of pasta. i had never had polenta before and now i regret not having that because it was delish! omg how can something so good be legal?!? the dish was polenta with italian sausage and peppers but it was just 4 small strips of grilled polenta and a whole mess of sausage, sauce, peppers and onion. it was all good but the polenta stole the show. i need to make some this weekend, before i start no-carbing.

my skin is all bumpy again. i bought some of clinique's rosacea products to help my little pink problem and i am now pink and bumpy. and the more signs of old age appeared last week - vertical lines around my lips causing my beloved red lipstick to feather. i had to break down and buy elizabeth arden's lip fix to combat that nasty little issue. want a secret to great lips if you're going to wear extra matte lipstick (like mac's ruby woo)? go to sleep with burt's bees lip balm or aveda's lip balm on the night before you're going to go matte - the lipstick goes on more smoothly and so does your lip liner. if your lips are wind burned or super chapped, you might want to hold off on the matte lipsticks for a bit until you can get them smoothe first - talk to my mom about satin lips by mary kay.

tomorrow we go see yoda for our big check. the rowland's own book of the almost dead will officially come to a close. wow. i want a new laptop and papa wants a bass - those are the only luxuries we're allowing ourselves (except i also get a big-ass zebra striped dooney on clearance at macy's since my louis vuitton was stolen over a year ago and still hasn't been replaced). then i can come home and take a well-deserved and much needed nap.

time for bed!
have a great night!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

progression succession

so i went back to the gym tuesday and i met my nemesis, the scale. the last time i stepped on that specific scale it was a ginormous wake up call...it screamed "376 lbs!!!!" at me...so i made the decision to visit dr. c and company for lapband surgery. after 2 visits with nutritionist and serious willpower, i've lost 26 lbs! so goodbye 376 and hello 350! this is so awesome! i seriously had given up hope and never thought that i would have this much success after only 2 months! whoever said low carb diets are crap is seriously deluded and the usda is higher than whitney houston for trying to shove so much bread down our throats. we do not need to eat so much dough! i'm sure back when we were all sharecroppers and there was minimal transportation a serious intake of simple carbs was necessary but in these days of sedentary workstations, personal vehicles, convenience, video games, computers and the like, there is no need for easy fuel. if you don't believe me, watch jamie oliver - he's got a point.

i eat little to no bread - multigrain 99% of the time, wheat every other time. i eat no potatoes (one on good friday) - hubby will attest. i eat no sugar (one cupcake at easter is all the sugar i've had since my first meeting with nutritionist). i eat no pasta. i drink no sodas, not even diet - sugar free lemonade, water with lemon or unsweet tea and no-fat/lactose free milk are the only drinks for me and i like it. my teeth are whiter and i don't burp like a sailor anymore. sounds like i've given up a lot, doesn't it?
i eat pretty damn luxuriously for someone who's lost 26 lbs in 2 months - for example, i eat a lot of chicken and i leave the skin on - nothing batter-fried, though. jason's deli has an awesome chicken salad made with pineapple and almonds and a 7 oz scoop only has 300 calories (mayo) - have that with fruit and it's heavenly. at home i cook ribeyes or top sirloin or chicken breasts and we eat steamed veggies with some sort of cheese sauce. if we eat out, i get a bowl of cheese soup, an omelette with ham and cheese, bacon, and fruit. at chinese buffets i get any kind of batter FREE chicken and fruit. at bbq places, chicken with no sauce. at burger joints i get double cheeseburgers and toss the buns. even at whataburger i got a triple and a salad and a s/f lemonade and the dogs ate the buns and the croutons from the salad and it was awesome! today at the mexican restaurant by my office, hex and i ate pretty well - he had a giant burrito that only cost $5 and i had 4 tacos - beef fajita and carrrrrne asada and unsweet tea - but i only ate one tortilla and left the rest (he took them away to keep me honest). it's really easy if you try and i seriously don't feel deprived. chick-fil-a is a great place to eat because you can sub fruit for the waffle fries and the diet lemonade is pretty intense. stay away from the chick-fil-a sauce though - it's mayonaise based and has way too much bad stuff in it - a good substitute is their honey roasted bbq sauce. tastes the same but with 1/4 of the calories. sonic is also jumping on the bandwagon - i still don't like their food but they offer apple slices in lieu of tots or fries and they let you buy them as separate items (opt out of the fat-free caramel sauce because it's just sugar and that's bad)and they sell minute maid lite lemonade (my drink of choice at fast food places). an easy breakfast you can have is a metrx big 100 bar - they're inexpensive, loaded with protein and way tasty! my favorites are the peanut butter cookie dough and chocolate chip cookie dough bars... they're truly decadent and only have 25g of carbs. i eat them with the n/f+l/f milk and stay full. their chocolate brownie is really good, too but remember - these are meal replacement bars, not snacks or desserts. fruit is probably the one thing i eat more than anything else - the fruit cup stands all over the city are better places to buy your fruit than the grocery store. i bought 10 lbs of peeled, cut up fruit for $15!!! you can't beat that. my other favorite snack is cucumbers with girard caesar dressing - love it! i eat a lot but am still losing and have only exercised once...something's working...
now if i could just get my memory to work...
ah well - one thing at a time...
have a good night!

Friday, April 2, 2010


yowza it's been a while since i've done this...
march 20? jeepers.
well let's see what's been happening since then, shall we?

the lithium working very well! dressing like a girl everyday, makeup in place, nails painted red to match any one of the 10 shades of red lipstick in my purse, new shoes, new clothes, new outlook, new mood. i'm eating right, despite today's lapse of 20 ounces of dr pepper taken to try and kill a sinus headache that turned into a migrane...adderall needs reinforcements, though. i'm not paying attention to stuff like i had been. i find myself drifting or multi-tasking too much and not concentrating on whoever is talking. it's better than it was before the meds but not that much...

i've been working really well. we have a big meeting coming up on the 12th and i've been booking flights, personalizing maps, reserving rooms, conference rooms, arguing with the hotelier, arranging catering and what not - very busy but i love it!

i met with the nutritionist again. i'm not hating it...actually, i like it. the only downside is writing down every single thing i eat - not because i have anything to hide, just because i can never remember to do it. if i didn't have a blackberry it'd never get done. my entries go something like this:
breakfast - 16 oz n/f milk, 1 metrx big 100
snack - 1.5C cut up fruit
lunch - jason's deli - chicken salad salad, 1 sm fruit cup w/no frosting, s/f lemonade
snack - 1/2 cucmber w/2T caesar dressing
dinner - 1 lg salmon steak, 1 srv broccoli w/chz, 1 whole cucumber w/caesar dressing, s/f popsicle, s/f lemonade
does that make sense to you? could you figure out the abbreviations? n/f is non-fat, s/f is sugar-free, chz is cheese, T is tablespoon, C is cup. easy, huh? in the future, n/f+l/f will be non-fat+lactose-free but i'll save that for later.
that's a helluva lot of sugar-free lemonade, isn't it? i'm addicted, i think. wyler's has the best s/f lemonade and it's only a buck! and it's pink!!! their orange sunrise or whatever is awful but their pink lemonade rocks! i think it's my new blood type...i drink a lot of it, usually watered down with melted ice...

this eating plan is pretty easy but it's about to get a whole lot harder. 3 months before the surgery i'm going on a really strict no carb diet. right now the only restrictions are no sugar, no white flour, no potatoes and no rice - unless it's real brown rice with the bran hull on it. i can have multi-grain bread if there is no enriched flour listed in the ingredients, but not for much longer. i've been eating really well since we finally went to the grocery store last weekend. in fact, tonight was the first time we've eaten out since saturday! i've been cooking but i couldn't handle the fluorescent lights in the kitchen or the smell of food cooking because of the headache so we went to jims - i had soup, a ham & chz omelette with a side of bacon (2 strips), rye toast (rye flour, not enriched flour), fruit (subbed for hashbrowns) and s/f tea. yum! i tend to gravitate towards diners so i can order omelettes and fruit.

my headache finally vaporized but not without its stupid hangover - most of the time, the hangover is not remembering anything i did while i had the stupid headache, but today it's not being able to spell. i'll sleep it off in a bit, i'm sure. i plan on going shopping tomorrow so i hope it stays away. i'm off for the holiday and need something to wear for the family's easter saturday eggstravaganza. and i want a purse. wish me luck!
thanks for putting up with me...