Thursday, October 28, 2010


so here i am. i've not been away slacking off, i just didn't have anything to write. i was bored, discouraged and frustrated and not losing as much weight as i wanted to or should have been. so i did what any lapband geek should do.

i got another adjustment.

and here i am, one week later. i can sum up my week with 4 words: holy flaming shitballs, batman! in one week i can see and feel a HUGE difference with my body! my legs are shrinking so much, my pants fit like jodhpurs! my tummy and hips are shrinking so much you can see my ass again! YES, LORD! i am now officially a size 24! i am now the same size i was the day i met my husband! how do i know this? allow me to expound...

i have 7 pairs of jeans in varying sizes. some fit, some don't. i figured i'd be ok avoiding shopping for a while because i could just use whichever of the 7 pairs of jeans fit. the first pair were worn all summer. i finally had to stop wearing them in september when they dropped to my ankles while i was walking across the living room to the kitchen. the second pair are still good but are capri length and won't do well in cold weather. pair 3 are jeans my mom bought me for xmas last year. i can smuggle virginia hams in them now. pair 4 now fit like yoga pants. pairs 5 and 6 fit like jodhpurs - think col. potter in mash. so we're down to pair 7. there's nothing special about these jeans. they're dark, lee riders from wal-mart that i bought YEARS ago. i haven't been able to wear them since i bought them. until TODAY! i tried on every single pair of jeans in my cache and these were the only ones that fit! YES! but also NOOOOOOO it's a month before xmas and now i have to shop for ME instead of getting a jump on xmas gifts! i'm not sure how this is going to play out but at least i have one good pair of jeans that make my butt look amazing!

have a great night, y'all!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

so let's see...the last post was about issues with the insurance company...and that has all been resolved. the $15K bill for the surgeon has been covered by my insurance company! my only responsibility is a $40 copay! and the $85K hospital bill has been paid as well, and already paid the $200 copay at admission. my only outstanding responsibility is a bill for anesthesia for $120 and we're done! WHEEE!

well interesting changes are happening to me. i thought i was going through menopause but apparently, i was wrong. pms gave me a 4lb weight gain but the surgeon didn't believe me so he adjusted my band. i felt the adjustment for the first 2 days but now? not so much. don't get me wrong - my portions have diminished, just not as much as i had been told they would. and i don't get nearly as hungry anymore. in fact, most days, i skip lunch entirely because i'm either nauseated or full from breakfast. but i noticed if i skip lunch, i eat more at dinner so i don't know what to do.

my weight last friday (9-24) was 320 (pms water weight). i haven't checked this week but i'm guessing i have a 4 lb loss.
wish me luck!