Wednesday, November 10, 2010

shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes

i'm still shrinking but i haven't stepped on a scale since the last surgeon's appointment so i don't know what the number is.

but i will say this - the jeans, old number 7, that i took too long to try on are now TOO BIG!

and i will add this - everyone told me my feet would shrink, too, and i took it with a grain of salt because, really, i don't think i have fat feet. but they were right! i love shoes and because i love shoes, i feel the need to own as many as i can! but when i blew up, i could no longer wear my sky-high heels so they sat in their specially labeled boxes, squirreled away in my closet. i wore crocs and flip-flops and tennis shoes because i was too heavy to walk on the balls of my feet and my feet were too fat to fit into my beautiful shoes (but i was in denial about that). plus the depression kept me from wanting to make myself pretty so i dressed like a shlub and shlubs don't wear pretty shoes, they wear crocs and flip-flops (exclusively).


i was just playing in my closet and decided to try on the contents of the canvas boxes and lo and behold - THEY ALL FIT! and not only do they all fit, they all fit like they were made for me! they fit better now than they did when i bought them! except one pair - one pair of pointy, shiny black pumps with opalescent glitter swishes all over are way too big now. i suspected that would happen because they've always been big but now they're HUGE! if you all know of any really tall drag queens who might like them, let me know. i seriously only wore them twice. if i could find something to put between me and the heel of the shoe i could keep them but i think that'd be grossly uncomfortable and not very pretty. or practical.

one of these days i'll take pictures of my closet filled with shoes.

so i don't want to, but i'm forced to go shopping this weekend for underpants and jeans. the underpants i bought 4 months ago are now so big i feel like i'm wearing those clown pants that have the hula-hoop waistband. and i'm fresh out of jeans. all 7 pair are just too big and that's a great feeling! i just hope i can find some on sale!

have a great night!

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